Can we be good on our own, or do we need divine assistance? Four scholars explored this question in a symposium that was the highlight of LCI’s spring University Program Series. With Emily Austin (University of Chicago) moderating, Angela Knobel (University of Dallas), Candace Vogler (University of Chicago), and Daniel Lapsley (University of Notre Dame) reflected on the relationship between Aristotle’s and Aquinas’ moral frameworks from theological, philosophical, practical, and behavioral-scientific perspectives.
Effort provides a Catholic Intellectual Community
McGill University Professor Explains How We Arrived at the Modern Myth of Autonomy.
Rémi Brague reflects on the quality of the current day's communication and that quality's impact on conservation.
Georgetown theologian John Haught addresses the arguments and thought of the so-called "new atheists:" Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett.
Father Stephen Brock, a leading scholar of St. Thomas Aquinas, is profiled.