The Greek East and the Spiritual Franciscan View of History
Cosponsored by the Theology & Religious Ethics Workshop
The Spiritual Franciscan Angelo Clareno (d.1337) fervently promoted the view that St. Francis’ life and Rule renewed the true evangelic life. When ecclesiastical persecution led him to flee to Greece, Angelo came into contact with both Greek monasticism and Greek theology based on the Church fathers. While in Greece, he translated Greek texts and he found in Greek monastic traditions possibilities for living according to Francis’ rule outside the Franciscan order. Angelo’s time in Greece also led him to reflect on Church history and the relationship between Greek and Latin Christianity. Thus the eastern monastic tradition helped Angelo to explore ways of living the apostolic life and to develop a view of Church history that differed from other Spiritual Franciscans.
IMAGE: Roma, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, cod. Vitt. Em. 1167: Celestino V benedice Angelo Clareno e gli altri frati (particolare)